MUSC ZIAN Concussion Detection Device

Invention offers game plan for concussions

“A prototype of the Blink device tracks eyelid movement.” MUSC Health

“A prototype of the Blink device tracks eyelid movement.” MUSC Health

A device being developed at the Zucker Institute for Applied Neurosciences at the Medical University of South Carolina will provide trainers with the ability to measure the way an athlete blinks after a head injury, to see if he or she has a concussion. “We think it may be a good way to check neurological function that can be really useful to a trainer trying to make a call on the sidelines.”

Upstream Partners was instrumental in the creation and funding of ZIAN, by writing the business plan, raising the funding and devising the unique relationship between a not-for-profit entity, ZIAN, and a for-profit technology accelerator.

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